Hello everyone! It is 74 warm degrees in Pleasant View. I just checked the forecast for the next 10 days and it is showing rain for 9/10 of those days. Uggghhhh!
So a lot has happened since I last updated...for one, I am now driving a 2003 Mitsubishi Lancer! I love it!! My old vehicle is still running, but is not reliable for long trips anymore, so it is sitting in the front yard with a For Sale sign in it. Anyone want something cheap to run around in?????
My Mama came up here on Friday afternoon!! YAY!! We had such a great time together. I took a short nap Friday morning before she got here so I was up and ready to go when she got here. We rode down to the Green Hills area of Nashville for some lunch and shopping. We had lunch at a place called Five Guys Burger and Fries. It was good, but expensive. We got what is considered "little" burgers, shared a fry order, and two small drinks. The total was over $16. Afterwards, we walked outside in this outdoor shopping center. We went to one of my favorite stores. It is called Swoozie's and is considered "cutesy" to use a word from my friend, Mary. I picked up a birthday present for my friend, Leslie, who better be coming up here in a couple of weeks! Do you hear me Leslie Eileen!! Anyway, then it was on to Whole Foods Market to walk up and down the aisles but not buy anything, just like we always do. If you've never been to the deli/bakery section at Whole Foods, you should consider just going to look. They make some of the cutest desserts. We looked but didn't touch! Next, I went to look at the car that I ended up getting on Saturday. We were tired by this time, but we kept right on going.... We went to Sam's next and walked all over that store, then it was off to Hendersonville to have supper. We ate a place called Mimi's Cafe. They have the best muffins, however they are about as big as a softball so you should definitely plan on taking them home and having them for breakfast, like we did. Our last stop before home was Wal-Mart, of course. It is a long-standing joke, that my Mom has been to a Wal-Mart in just about every town in the South! By the time we got home, we were T-I-R-E-D!
On Saturday morning, we were up by 6 am, because I thought we might trade my car in, which we didn't end of doing obviously. So we got out the "bulldozer" and cleaned out my car. It only took 3 garbage bags to get stuff out that I was throwing away, and then another 1 and 1/2 to get stuff out that I was keeping. Not too mention, I took the tent and folding chair out as well. I know, I know.... I am a pack-rat. We rode to Madison, TN and got my car which only took about an hour and a half. I would like the give a shout-out to all the people who helped out during last week when I was having trouble with my car and then during the transition from old car to new. I really really appreciate it and couldn't have done any of it without you!! SO THANK YOU!!!!!!!
OK, so then we went to Clarksville, TN to pick up the baby-shower cake. The ladies at Carol's Cakes and Moore did a very good job, and the cake got rave reviews at the shower yesterday. The top of the cake had a round cake which had been cut in half and placed side-by-side to make a baby body and head. Icing was used to create arms, hands, legs, and feet. The diaper on the body was monogrammed with baby Rachel's initials. It was really cute! Saturday afternoon, after taking an hour nap, we went back to Hendersonville to do a little shopping and see a movie. We saw Taken with Liam Neeson. It was awesome! Who knew Liam could kick butt! I highly recommend it! We ate supper at Carrabba's after the movie, and of course, we went back to Wal-Mart. Saturday night, I tried to catch up on the trillion shows I have backlogged on TiVo. Still trying to catch up!!!
Sunday, we went to church. Mr. Ed gave such a great lesson on how we use the full armor of God to protect us against the devil. My Mom enjoyed meeting more of my group at church. Then, after Sunday school, we went to worship and heard another great lesson which was a about
Restarting Your Heart. It was about the scripture in Matthew 5 that talks about how the pure in heart will see God. After church, we had to stop at the gas station to put gas in my new car.....and.... I filled up from Empty for only $18.45!!!!! That was totally awesome! I wanted to ask the gas pump if it was sure that it was done!! :) Sunday afternoon, I rode over to Mt. Juliet to attend Adam and Tonya's baby shower. They got a lot of cute stuff, and I got to hold baby Lilli who was the youngest in attendance! She is the first baby that has been born from our group this year and is just over a month old. Sweetie pie! Last night, my Mom and I worked on my income tax and then watched some television.
She woke me at 6 am this morning and left not long after that. I went back to bed, of course, because I have to work tonight! After I got up, I took a load of trash off to the garbage and went over to my Aunt Evelyn's to see the new baby goat that was born yesterday morning. His name is Issac and he is white and brown. Maggie went with me and didn't really know what to think about him. I picked him up and held him for a little while, but his mother, Rebecca couldn't find him which made her start hollering and get upset. Needless to say, I put him back down and picked up Maggie so she wouldn't get butted in the head by the protective mother goat.
SO.... there is the update. One day, I am going to figure out the whole camera/picture thing and post pictures on here to go along with my stories. I hope you all have a great week! Enjoy this beautiful Spring weather! Love to all!! S :)
761st Inspire Me Tuesday
1 day ago
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